Lillie Pie Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy 1st Halloween

Here we are celebrating our first Halloween. The kids loved their various costumes you can tell!
They sat inside and the tricker treaters came to the door and the ones that wanted to see the kids we showed them each child through the window.

Her kitty's big roar
She is a glow in the dark skeleton! Scary!

Our most vocal is telling the skeleton what to do! I think she scared it!

So cute in his Halloween hat & peek a boo outfit. Notice the three pumpkins? Each child got their own! 
I think we are going to wait to carve some until next year.
He was a duck. This is one of the only ones where you can see is face. 
I guess he is practicing for the wave!
He looks so pensive in this photo! Shades of things to come? 

Here is Chloe's big cat Roar!

She makes such a cute cat!
She is such a cute pumpkin. She fits in with the other decorations! 

We hope you had a happy Halloween! 
They cannot wait for turkey day to see what mom will photograph them in! 
Has anyone seen miniature Indian costumes? 

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