Well as expected my belly continues to grow, because these babies are continuing to grow. They are all over 1 & 1/2 lbs. At our trip to the doctor the the check up went fine only small issue, which I thought at the time was my increase in spiderveins in my legs and some swelling. The Dr.'s dad is a vascular surgeon, so she thought I should get a leg scan just to make sure there were no blood clots in my legs. Well as the nurses tried to find a location for me to go to we found out that the scan places did not want to work after 3:30pm on a Friday. So needless to say that is how I wound up at the hospital ER. At least they sent me to the family birthing unit instead of the actual ER. Well as you might assume, not being an emergency, i waited... read my book... waited.. Jeff camefrom work to be with me. We waited... We learned that the waiting room at the family birthing unit is very much a Detroit hospital - the magazine selection was very limited. Car and Driver, Auto, Mechanics.... So needless to say if you come to visit at the hospital... BRING YOUR OWN READING MATERIAL.
We finally got the scans - no issues as the doctor thought but 5 plus hours later we were still waiting to leave. I had not eaten since lunch and they almost did not want to let me have the protein bar in my purse

until after the procedures.... Another not

e to self. Pack a cooler for next Dr appointment with drinks and food. :)
I was so glad to go home and get rid of my hospital bracelet. I was hopeful i would not need one of those until they were going to make me 3 more to join mine.
So this week they are eggplants. We bought a few and they unfortnaktely they decided to mold before I could take some weekly pictures, so we only got a few belly shots. Oh well. Good thing that is not happening to the babies.
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