Well this week we went back to the doctor. Everyone is growing like gangbusters. They have doubled in size from the last trip a month ago. We are up to 14oz, 14oz and 13oz! This trip involved a 3 hour appointment so they could view every single organ. Now i am sure for a singleton seems manageable to check every organ... but well when you have 3.. viewing every organ, bone measurements etc... takes a really long time. Needless to say, Lynn (the ultrasound tech) and I are becoming good friends. It is worth it to make sure they are healthy. It was really neat to see their little profiles. Their noses and lips. Amazing what you can view these days. Hard to believe i have about 3lbs of baby inside of me. Oh and they are bananas... Decided not to do some photos with this fruit...
So depending on who you talk to... I am either huge! (thanks buy buy baby lady, geesh!) or tiny (thank you Linda, cycling instructor). They you look huge comment -doesn't that fall on what not to say to a pregnant lady?